rule of thirds/rule of threes

by Nora Smith


i. rule of thirds


my body half hives before

the screen test i’m only

going because your

photographer friend

said he likes my look

i am blown out, i have

smeared gold on my

eyelids every day since

i kissed the glitter off

her skin. every day

since the lie of my body

curled into the seeking

of hers.


ii. rule of threes


my editor reminds me to

leave space open in case

someone else important

dies today — it’s been an

actor, a director — maybe

a politician today to even

the score. people pass in

threes until they are dead

and missing by the dozens.

two fires this week. i can’t

help but notice that we don’t

leave space in case anyone

is found.


iii. the third stanza


how can i show you these

stories as mirrors on each

other. a building collapsed

earlier in the year and we

didn’t even talk about it.

all the music we danced to

from decades earlier when

believe it or not people were

still dying, in threes, in dozens.

in wars. a professor of media ethics

shows photos, asking, do you know

what happens to a body when it

hits the ground from that high up. 


Nora Smith is a copy editor living in Pittsburgh. They are writing poems, making zines and feeling cautiously optimistic. Their work is upcoming in Door Is A Jar. 


Kayb’il B’alam / Polanco - I Am Here


in my dream I take your hands and you turn into a velociraptor