Awards & Honors
K.B. Carle, “A Lethal Woman“
Best Small Fictions, anthology selection
Andrew Bertaina, “The Historian“
Best Microfiction, anthology selection
Meghan Phillips, “In the Town Where All the Final Girls Live“
Best Microfiction, anthology selection
Kirsten Reneau, “What I Think King Kong Is About (Having Never Seen King Kong)“
Best Microfiction, anthology selection
Exodus Oktavia Brownlow, “It’s 5am-ish and my father tells me a story from his time In Singapore“
Best Microfiction, anthology selection
Leonora Desar, “Matt’s Basement“
Best Microfiction, anthology selection
Marcus Tan, “Eight Houses“
Best Small Fictions, anthology selection
Chloe N. Clark, “Supernova“
Wigleaf Top 50
Arushi Sinha, “Baby In Crisis“
Wigleaf Top 50 Longlist
Emily Woodworth, “Pot Top“
Wigleaf Top 50 Longlist
Gauraa Shekhar, “Performance Piece“
Wigleaf Top 50 Longlist