We are proud to present
Issue Twenty-Nine
of No Contact

Action Figure
by Christopher Boucher
I’m still not sure why I was chosen as the model for an action figure in the first place, but the company that made it — Soleil, Inc. — told me they compiled a list of the most depressing profiles they could find and chose mine from over a thousand finalists.

Monster / Eye , Eye
by Evan Williams
The guy at the car rental agency bounces a set of keys between his pecs. He’s taking my information at the same time, which is a level of skill I’ve not encountered in car rental.

Ghost / At the Cemetery of the Dead Poets
by Jose Hernandez Diaz
“I’m short on cash at the moment,” they said. “What if I give you some poems, instead? Or a couple of haikus?” I said.

The Obituary Writer
by Joe Kapitan
The obituary writer has writer’s block. No one has died today, she thinks. No, that’s impossible. Instead: no one died well today. Instead: today died unwell.

The Natural Method of Dog Training
by Gary Fincke
For years, his mother said, “Accept no rides from strangers. Don’t even approach an unfamiliar car.” At twelve, he began to hitchhike.

I would like to speak to the manager of my life
by Zoa Coudret
Months ago I impulse-purchased aloe masks & Lush bath
bombs and still they lie in shopping bags on my bedroom floor
where other evidence of retail therapy accumulates like debt

Baby Teeth
by Lauren Cassani Davis
The doors to the Cancer Ward were sponsored by McDonalds. It was almost September—school started in two weeks, and I wasn’t ready.

Kayb’il B’alam / Polanco - I Am Here
by Olga Montenegro
There’s a rumor that your dead must be named, or else they are lost

rule of thirds/rule of threes
by Nora Smith
my editor reminds me to
leave space open in case
someone else important
dies today

in my dream I take your hands and you turn into a velociraptor
by Abigail Raley
The funny thing is, just moments
ago, we were so close to fucking.

Sex in Portugal
by Bill Hollands
Not sex exactly but in that
ballpark. Not a ballpark! A chapel
of bones. Skulls. Femurs.

Peach Bourbon
by Nathaniel Berry
The Midwest is something you take with you, like a box of stuff you can’t seem to unpack: Is this bothering you? Is this in the way?
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