We are proud to present
Issue Twenty-Six
of No Contact

The Day John Kennedy Died
by Daniel Felsenthal
Alfred sat in French class and drew stars on his binder. Robert wondered if his erection was visible through his jeans. Marsha practiced her verbs.

When You Tell Me You Aren't Good With Words
by Megan Pillow
I tell you I have the words for the first moment I saw you. You were pushing that stalled car out of the middle of a busy road.

i am attempting to have a good time ok
by blake levario
gwen stefani could write the communist manifesto
but marx couldn’t write hollaback girl

Visiting Cassie / In Transit
by Wendy Oleson
Still, things don’t fit together once they’ve broken—too many critical bits get lost in the violence.

Aubade / Chamber Piece as Sonnet
by Jon Lemay
Someone shoot me through the fucking teeth: I am so in love.

Nothing Too Serious
by Suzanne Grove
He reached out as if moving to hold her hand but instead gripped her wrist, pushing each fingernail into the skin.

Several thousand goldfish, mostly dead by now
by Divya Maniar
This all began when my mother refused to get me a dog.

Every Year Is a Year
by Leigh Chadwick
Leigh Chadwick spends November packing boxes into larger boxes.

Myrtle Beach
by Parker Young
I began to sense that EJ was afraid of the motel we’d chosen. And yet she never wanted to go anywhere else. She locked the door.

A Little Lucky in the Evening
by Isaac Zisman
Lucky stands at the end of the pier, staring off into the wild expanse of the west, or maybe it’s just New Jersey.

by Seth Bockley
One day you were born and nothing magical happened to you. This was contrary to all your expectations.