General Submissions
No Contact is currently closed for General Submissions.
To get a better feel for what we like, please read our previous issues before submitting.
We’re looking for exciting work under 1200 words. We understand that you might need to go a little over, but after a certain point, we will have to stop reading.
Please ONLY send us original, previously unpublished work. Pieces that have appeared on personal blogs will not be considered.
Please double-space prose submissions and single-space poetry submissions. We appreciate 12 point standard font such as Times New Roman.
You can submit up to two pieces at once! No more than two, please.
Upon acceptance, No Contact will acquire First North American Serial Rights to your work(s). This means we will have exclusive rights for thirty days after publication, after which rights revert back to the author.
Contributors will be offered $50 for publication in No Contact.
We kindly ask that you credit us if your piece goes on to be published elsewhere in the future.
Simultaneous submissions are great! Just withdraw them from our submissions manager as soon as they’ve been picked up elsewhere. We are unable to keep track of e-mail withdrawals.
International submissions in English are allowed and encouraged.
We are fortunate to receive many submissions, which means we are fortunate to know what we receive too much of! Please don’t send us: shallow virus tales, day-X-of-isolation-tales, or this-is-my-quarantine-space tales. Complicate the story! Make us deeply, deeply interested.
We emphatically do not accept any work created with the help of AI-generative tools.
We aim to respond to all submissions within 4-5 weeks. We may become overwhelmed at times, but if you haven’t heard from us in significantly longer than 5 weeks, feel free to send us a query!
By submitting to No Contact, you are opting in to our amazing monthly newsletter. Just two emails a month, and you can unsubscribe at any time.
To learn more about No Contact and our submissions process, read our interviews with phoebe journal, Duotrope, and Six Questions For…with Jim Harrington.
If you have any other questions, you can get in touch with us at editors@nocontactmag.com.
When you’re ready to submit, please click on the button below!