Two Poems



Thank Fuck for My Outdoor Space

250sq feet / semi-private outdoor shaded

fenced-in with plush $800 chairs (stolen)

stone tiles / hexagons and pentagons yeah

I used to count the shapes on my ceiling

sunshine shining / dog smiles, panting 

under the heat living the american goddamn 

dog dream while I hide in the shade and

bikes take up too much space anyway 

palm trees sway / parrots hang out too

reading a book I don’t even enjoy / vibing

yeah / shameful to ask for anything more.


Oh shit, this breeze rules too.


Inside Lauren works / hunched over a laptop

making $$$ for the both of us / crying about it 

only sorta though / sometimes / her jobless dreg 

of a husband lazes in the beautiful outdoor space 

he couldn’t afford on his own / third person 

corners collecting dust / trash overflowing

haven’t showered in days / counting tiles 23, 24, 25

put my ass to work, c’mon, I’m begging please

too busy lounging / pretending i’m a writer


Nothing Nothing Nothing

I wish I had something

something something

to show for this day

wide open space, 

eternal void but

can’t seem to 

get beyond


of it all



this endless


There is clearly so

much possible at all

moments and yet I can’t

seem to make anything of it.

KKUURRTT is glad you read his thing. He can be found on twitter at @wwwkurtcom. His book GOOD AT DRUGS is forthcoming from Alien Buddha Press.


Less Cheek, More Throat


When Everything Was Brown