one day you’ll be

by Ashley Hajimirsadeghi


one day you’ll be

a movie star. Fade in: Marlene Dietrich 

in Morocco, kissing the girl in a dimly 

lit nightclub, pushing her into the crowd. 

There’s not enough room in the spotlight 

for the both of you. Fade out. Fade in. 

One day you’ll scrounge for pennies in the 

lobby of a shabby nickelodeon, somewhere 

in Brooklyn at dusk, just to get a thrill,

stitching yourself back together for the 

second act. Dissolve to: tonight, too, the 

moon was lonely, put on a production 

through the dusty windows of the F train. 

Cut to: trapped in a black & white television

set, somewhere between Chinatown & Harlem, 

you rip at the sutures, put on a show, bleed 

devotionals onto the cracked, wet pavement.

The flash of a camera. The passing headlights

of a Honda. Fade to black. 

Ashley Hajimirsadeghi’s work has appeared in Into the Void Magazine, Mud Season Review, Rust + Moth, and The Shore, among others. She currently reads for Mud Season Review and EX/POST Magazine, is the Playwriting Director’s Apprentice at New Perspectives Theatre Company, and was a Brooklyn Poets Fellow. Her debut chapbook cartography of trauma is forthcoming from dancing girl press. Learn more here.


Don’t Mention It


Constant Flow