We are proud to present

 Issue Seventeen

of No Contact

No Contact No Contact


by Ross Showalter

It is good to be reminded there is a future beyond this, I think. I can summon myself upright and be of service to anyone, anyone. I can be alive to the world, I tell myself.

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Don’t Mention It
No Contact No Contact

Don’t Mention It

by Claire Hopple

I take things personally like anyone else, including the quote on my chocolate wrapper.

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Constant Flow
No Contact No Contact

Constant Flow

by Chella Courington

counting years like a handful of coins, knowing they would be spent for trinkets, a pair of gold earrings or the mermaid wind chime sculpted from copper wire

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No Contact No Contact


by Tara Srinivasan

The redditors on r/medicalmysteries say it’s common; “psychosomatic gaslighting,” one user calls it.

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