Screaming into the Microphone: An Instachat With Singer/Songwriter Hannah Lee Thompson

“I think when we get something good going in our lives it can highlight a lot of underlying insecurities, because we want to be the best version of ourselves which isn't always possible. I was thinking about how when I'm on my own I don't hold myself accountable in the same way then I do when I think about myself in relation to the people I care about. It comes across as a romantic in the song and that's definitely a big part of it, but for me the sentiment applies to family and friends as well.”

Giulia Di Stravola

Giulia Di Stravola is a writer based in Brooklyn. Before pursuing writing and media full-time, she worked with the United Nations. Giulia is fluent in four languages, and is currently working on a screenplay and a short story collection.


Browsing From Afar: An Instachat With Writer/Bookseller Jenna Haenni-Rogers


Humor, Playfulness, and Experimentation: An Instachat With Creative Director Cat Owens