We are proud to present

 Issue Twenty-Five:


[chinatown restaurant]
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[chinatown restaurant]

by Celeste Sea

Something about how your storefront flashed silver the way her bones do now: a moonlit nickel.

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Our Parents
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Our Parents

by Corey Farrenkopf

Maybe it’s for the best there are no bodies.

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Rooms Have Their Ways
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Rooms Have Their Ways

by K.C. Mead-Brewer

The tiny gasp of a match-strike. A bite of smoke. Maggie stares at the wick, and backs away.

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Black Mass at Denny’s
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Black Mass at Denny’s

by Becky Robison

Pour the wine into coffee cups. Stir in the blood, hopefully can’t taste it. Plop in a wafer, watch it dissolve. Take a bite of hashbrowns.

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grandfather, beloved
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grandfather, beloved

by Nicholas Russell

There was the bear in the shed. He made his home out of lawn chairs and camping things we rarely ever used.

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Backlight Country
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Backlight Country

by Travis Dahlke

If you were drunk and/or high when you crashed, does that mean you're drunk and/or high for all eternity?

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Eating Flowers
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Eating Flowers

by Sarp Sozdinler

They towered above the creature as if the longer they stared at it, the sooner they would identify the bones in its belly.

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When a Blood Mobile Passed By
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When a Blood Mobile Passed By

by Abby Manzella

Yesterday my husband and I saw a blood mobile maneuvering through our town with its red cross gleaming on a white paint job.

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