We are proud to present
Issue Eleven: Tricks and Treats
of No Contact
Miss Bay & the Parasite
by Elias Baez
Residue of the parasite was swabbed from a Dixie Cup
the infected used to sip water with his morning Klonopin
Free Fall / Affliction
by Laila Amado
The track sighs and creaks as the chain pulls the train up the lift hill. The chipped red paint of the last car furrows like the down feathers of a barn owl.
The Abyss of Self-Knowing
by Robert Rubsam
Marcel took lunch in his favorite restaurant. It was the sort of stolid and old-fashioned place where everything is made of slightly scuffed wood, and it was known for its rare meats.
Haunted House
by Kristen Cleghorn
KELLY and SAM, two women in their late 20s, stand in front of a mansion outside the city.
Old Friend
by Gauraa Shekhar
Bat comes to visit, a bottle of Bacardi superior clutched tightly under her wing.
The Man in the Yard
by Elliot Alpern
There’s a man in a black suit and tie in the back yard, and I want to have a drink with him, I think, or else, well, I’m not sure.