Welcome to
Issue Four
of No Contact
All Things Being Equal
by Bailey Gaylin Moore
The woman smiles hard beneath her mask, enough to make the fabric move with her mouth. White people have been smiling at D a lot lately.
It would have been enough
by Sarah Ruth Bates
My students are trying to be people, to become adults. It was hard enough to do before the collapse.
An Open Letter to the CEO of Hinge on the App's Failure to Get Me Virtually Laid
by Rachel A.G. Gilman
Limit the number of passes we are allowed, too. Even Candy Crush forces users to wait after breaking five hearts.
A Troubled Life
by Marina Li
My dog, Lucy, joins the effort in fighting the spread and takes on the hardships of social distancing.
The knife is a lego block
by Hansika Jethnani
i cannot tell if i am asleep or wandering through my day
Total Viewer Experience
by Gauraa Shekhar
I am of the Laundry Folding Movie persuasion. Show me a comfort movie starring Greg Kinnear as Dad. Show me Paul Rudd and Courtney Love making out in a dingy bathroom stall.
Ten-Minute Perpetual Stew
by Elliot Alpern
Now right off the bat here, I’m gonna tell you straight — this stew’ll take a few past ten minutes.